RAD[Rapid Application Development] Model

RAD model is Rapid Application Development model. It is a type of incremental model. In RAD model the components or functions are developed in parallel as if they were mini projects. The developments are time boxed, delivered and then assembled into a working prototype. This can quickly give the customer something to see and use and to provide feedback regarding the delivery and their requirements.If the project is large, it is divided into a series of smaller projects. Each of these smaller projects is planned and delivered individually. Thus, with a series of smaller projects, the final project is delivered quickly and in a less structured manner. The major characteristic of the RAD model is that it focuses on the reuse of code, processes, templates, and tools.

Phases in RAD Model:

  • Business Modeling
  • Data Modeling
  • Process Modeling
  • Application Modeling
  • Testing and Turnover

1)Business Modeling: The business model for the product under development is designed in terms of flow of information and the distribution of information between various business channels. A complete business analysis is performed to find the vital information for business, how it can be obtained, how and when is the information processed and what are the factors driving successful flow of information.

2)Data Modeling: Once the business modeling phase over and all the business analysis completed, all the required and necessary data based on business analysis are identified in data modeling phase.

3)Process modeling: Data objects defined in data modeling are converted to achieve the business information flow to achieve some specific business objective. Description are identified and created for CRUD of data objects.

4)Application Generation: The actual system is built and coding is done by using automation tools to convert process and data models into actual prototypes.

5)Testing and turnover: All the testing activates are performed to test the developed application.

Advantages of RAD Model:
a)Fast application development and delivery.
b)Lest testing activity required.
c)Visualization of progress.
d)Less resources required.
e)Review by the client from the very beginning of development so very less chance to miss the requirements.
f)Very flexible if any changes required.
g)Cost effective.
h)Good for small projects.

Disadvantages of RAD model:
a)Depends on strong team and individual performances for identifying business requirements.
b)Only system that can be modularized can be built using RAD
c)Requires highly skilled developers/designers.
d)High dependency on modeling skills
e)Inapplicable to cheaper projects as cost of modeling and automated code generation is very high.

When to use RAD model:
a)RAD should be used when there is a need to create a system that can be modularized in 2-3 months of time.
b)It should be used if there’s high availability of designers for modeling and the budget is high enough to afford their cost along with the cost of automated code generating tools.
c)RAD SDLC model should be chosen only if resources with high business knowledge are available and there is a need to produce the system in a short span of time (2-3 months).
d)If technical risks are low.
e)If development needed to complete in specified time.
f)RAD Model is suitable if the functionality have less dependencies on other functionality.