​Top 75-Computer Knowledge Based Questions

 ☆American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) founded? – 1880s

☆“OS” stands for– Operating System

☆the first transatlantic radio broadcast occur? – 1900s

☆‘.MOV’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? – Animation/movie file

☆Which is a type of Electrically-Erasable ☆Programmable Read-Only Memory? – Flash

☆The purpose of choke in tube light is ? – To increase the voltage momentarily

‘☆.MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? – Animation/movie file

☆Who developed Yahoo? – David Filo & Jerry Yang

☆VHS stands for…? – video Home System

☆VVVF stand for? – Variable Voltage Variable Frequency

●What frequency range is the High Frequency band? – 3 to 30 MHz

●The first step to getting output from a laser is to excite an active medium. What is this process called? – Pumping

●What is the relationship between resistivity r and conductivity s? – R = 1/s

●Which motor is NOT suitable for use as a DC machine? – Squirrel cage motor

●What does the term PLC stand for? – Programmable Logic Controller

●‘DB’ computer abbreviation usually means ? – Database

●‘.INI’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? – Systemfile

●The sampling rate, (how many samples per second are stored) for a CD is…? 44.1 kHz

●Who created Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)? Phil Zimmermann

●What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some distance? It usually involves two or more small networks and dedicated high-speed telephone lines.?  ●WAN

WAN stands for? – Wide Area Network

●Who co-founded Hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company to Microsoft? Sabeer Bhatia

‘●.TMP’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? Temporary File

●In the United States the television broadcast standard is…? NTSC

‘●.JPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? Image File

●What does AM mean? Amplitude modulation

what year was the “@” chosen for its use in e-mail addresses? 1972

●‘.TXT’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? Text File

●What was the first ARPANET message? “lo”

“FET” is a type of transistor, Its full name is ________ Effect Transistor…? Field

‘●DTP’ computer abbreviation usually means ? Desktop Publishing

‘●CD’ computer abbreviation usually means ? Compact Disc

‘●.BAK’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? Backup file

●Where is the headquarters of Intel located? Santa Clara, California

●Who co-created the UNIX operating system in 1969 with Dennis Ritchie? Ken Thompson

●Voltage is sometimes referred to as EMF, or Electromotive…? Force

●AM means? Amplitude modulation

‘.●BAT’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? Systemfile

●What does EPROM stand for? Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

●What was the active medium used in the first working laser ever constructed? A ruby rod

●Blue is what number on the resistor color code? 6

●Changing computer language of 1’s and 0’s to characters that a person can understand is… Decode

●What’s a web browser? A software program that allows you to access sites on the World Wide Web

●http://www.extracric.com – is an example of what? A URL

●How many bits is a byte? 8

●How do you subscribe to an Internet mailing list? Send e-mail to the list manager

●Computers calculate numbers in what mode? Binary

●What is an FET? Field Effect Transistor

●The letters, “DOS” stand for…Disk Operating System

●What does CPU stand for? Central Processing Unit

●Modem stands for… Modulator Demodulater

●What is the difference between the Internet and an intranet? One is public, the other is private

●A JPG is… A format for an image file

●Another word for ‘Graphics for a word processor’? Clip art

●RAM stands for… Random Access Memory

●A DV camcorder is… Used to create digital video

●Google (www.google.com) is a…? Search Engine

●HTTP? Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

●AOL stands for.. America Online

●Another name for a computer chip is … Micro Chip

“●www” stands for… World Wide Web

●ROM stands for… Read Only Memory

●ISP stands for.. Internet Service Provider

●Internet Explorer is a… Web Browser

●What is a GPU? Graphics Processing Unit

●What is LCP? Link Control Protocol

●What is VCM? Virtual Channel Memory

●What is a spider? A program that catalogs Web sites

●The abbreviation URL stands for: Uniform Resource Locator

●What is NAT? Network Address Translation

●What is TTL? Time To Live

●What does ICMP stand for? Internet Control Message Protocol

●What is FMD? Fluorescent Multi-Layer Disc

●What does SSL stand for? Secure Socket Layer

●The Internet was developed in the…1960s